How Do You Know What Control Solution Level to Use

Diathrive Control Solution

FAQ: "Why do I need control solution?  Isn't t hat is outdated technology?"

On the contrary, most blood glucose meters on the market today do either come with or recommend glucose control solution, including 11 other glucose meters we purchased to compare against our meter for accuracy. And, there is a really good reason why it is still used for glucose meters.

What Is Control Solution

Control solution is a glucose solution that manufacturers produce with a set amount of glucose. They calibrate the control solution with the meter so you can only use control solution with its own brand of meter, just like blood glucose test strips. Control solution testing does NOT calibrate the meter. It checks the accuracy of the test strips for the meter. There are usually 2-3 different levels of control solution. Each has a different concentration of glucose, allowing you to check for test result accuracy at low, normal and high glucose levels for any given batch of test strips. You do not need to use all three to verify that your test strips are working. One is usually sufficient. Why waste three test strips out of every vial of test strips?

Keep in mind that control solution needs to be stored at room temperature.

Testing Your Test Strips

Test strips have a plastic or paper base with very thin metal or carbon overlay and an enzyme. The blood or control solution runs up the strip and mixes with the enzyme. The meter then passes a small electrical charge through the mixture. The resistance is what determines your reading. Meters are calibrated during manufacturing to equate a blood glucose result equivalent to the level of resistance that would occur in blood with that much glucose present.

The enzyme on the strip is very sensitive to heat, cold, moisture and direct sunlight. Performing a test and comparing your control solution result to the range on the side of a newly opened container of test strips tells you whether the batch will work correctly. Statistical analysis has shown that if one strip from a bottle is good then all the strips are good, and conversely, if one is bad then they're likely all  bad. So, if your test strips were damaged by environmental factors during shipping, you will know instantly that results will be inaccurate and you need a new batch. You should perform a control test the first time you open a new vial of strips and whenever you get a result that doesn't seem right. If you get a result that's outside the range, perform another control test right away.

Note: If you get your test strips from Diathrive and find the control solution test shows your strips are not reading accurately, contact Diathrive Customer Service so we can help troubleshoot or replace your faulty test strips.

Here are 5 simple steps to help you perform a control solution test:

1. Gathering the tools

You will need your meter, your test strips, and the control solution. You received one of three levels (CTRL 0, CTRL 1, or CTRL 2) with your Diathrive order.

Control solution test step 1

2. Insert a test strip

Remove one test strip from the vial, and close the vial immediately to limit environmental exposure on the rest of the strips. Insert the test strip into the test strip port at the top of your glucose monitor.

Control solution test step 2 3. Prepare control solution

Remove the cap from the control solution bottle and set the cap on a flat surface. Squeeze one drop of control solution onto the top of the cap.

Control solution test step 3 4. Touch the end of the test strip to the drop of solution on the cap

Do not apply the solution directly to the test strip from the control solution bottle. This can cause contamination and degrade your solution's accuracy.

Control solution test step 4 5. Compare the results from your meter to the test strip vial label

Find the control level on the label that matches the number on your control solution bottle. If the result of the control solution test falls within the range indicated on the test strip vial label, your meter and test strips are working properly. Control solution test step 5

What To Do If Control Solution Is Out of Range

The FDA requires a blood glucose meter's result to be within 15% of the laboratory blood sample value 95% of the time. It's always possible to get an outlier reading with any old or new meter that you use. If your control test is outside the range twice then call your test strip provider and give the lot # printed on your bottle of test strips. Just as we do, they should exchange the test strips for you at no cost.

Diathrive sends you control solution so you can always have the peace of mind that your test strips are working correctly and giving you accurate results. We want to make sure that if you ever get a strange result late on a Friday or Saturday night you have the tools to know whether your test strips are the problem, making your personal health care and diabetes management just a little bit easier.

Last updated September 2020

How Do You Know What Control Solution Level to Use


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